
As part of the work that I do for Soham Academy of Human Excellence, I identified a grand new idea that will have tremendous all round impact on my kids. This is an unintended positive consequence. This post is all about this grand new project and how it works. This project shall not be a secret project. It will be open to all and whoever wants to use the products coming out of this project may do so without any restraint. You have my word!  Continue Reading…


There is something about Annamacharya’s life that caught my imagination starting from the year 2007, and ever since I am completely hooked. This concluding article, I am certain, is not the last article that I will ever write about him. Initially I planned many more articles that would have included topics on Alimelumanga, Sanskrit compositions, literary works, social compositions, philosophical compositions, comparative studies and so on. This would have been an unending series if not for this reluctant conclusion.

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The mind of a composer can be understood only through his compositions. What he did and what he said verbally matter very little. An outburst of thought, especially when he goes through serious introspection, is conveyed to his beloved Lord in the language that only he and his God can understand; the language of love and devotion. Any other form of communication will fail to convey his true feelings. To truly understand his feelings one has to elevate oneself to that level of devotion and put oneself in his shoes to feel what he felt. By listening to his compositions we get a taste of that love between the composer and his God. At times such compositions take us into a trance and we nearly experience what the composer experienced as tears roll down our cheeks.
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