Our Cultural Heritage

Image Courtesy: hindi-web.com

As I was reading Ramayanam, a few days back,  I could not help notice a very profound statement made by the author in his introduction chapter. He wrote that he read Ramayanam several times – mostly out of choice and sometimes when he had no other choice. No other choice meant that he was forced to read Ramayanam due to some unforeseen circumstances in his life.  As he was growing up, he mentions that, he saw his dad read Ramayanam with a towel wrapped around his head. Several times behind the veil of his towel, with his head immersed in an open book of  Ramayanam, his dad was found weeping. The beauty of Ramayanam, its profound philosophies, and deep value systems melts anyone into an intense joy; the joy  that can only get expressed through a bountiful flow of tears. No wonder Ramayanam has such a powerful influence on its translators, readers, listeners and commentators.

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Samskrit is Everywhere

by Sahadev Komaragiri

Image courtesy: arshadrishti.org

We do not notice that we are breathing until we take a pause and observe our own breath! Samskrit, the most ancient language of the world, is everywhere around us, but we do not notice it just as much. Certain Indologists around the world somehow equate Samskrit with classical languages such as Greek & Latin. In other words they say that it should be treated as a relic that should be shown a place in a museum of dead languages. Sorry, we disagree. Here are some clearly unique instances of the pristine presence of Samskrit all over the nation of its origin, India.


Recitation and Chanting Continue Reading…

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